This upcoming film is written by David Black and Directed by Gerardo Chierchia. Shot during the quarantine, I find it so inspirational how much art is coming out still.
I spoke to David Black about the film and what inspired him. He is in Stage 4 lockdown in Melbourne, Australia which means that they are not able to get a cast or crew together to shoot films. However, he wanted to make a feature film that didn't just look like a series of close-ups or zoom footage. So he got together with Director Gerardo Chierchia and came up with the idea for Toxic Alien Zombie Babes From Outer Space using footage that was sent in from all over.
This project is so close to my heart for a few reasons. One reason is that I love the arts and filmmaking during this time has so many unique challenges, so I have so much admiration for those who persevere and find creative ways to work through the hurdles. Which leads me to the second reason this particular film is exciting to me.

Look for Morgan and I to make an appearance in the film as UFO Cult Leaders! It is due out sometime in November and we will definitely be keeping you posted with more info as we get closer to the release date. In the mean time, check out the fun trailer for this film!