The Brain That Wouldn't Die
Hexen Arcane
The Red house
Cause of the Month
Morgan and Celeste are dedicated to contributing to causes for their local community and beyond. One cause will be featured each month. They encourage everyone to donate if possible or share to raise awareness. Hexen Arcane also contributes to every cause they feature as an ongoing mission.
Exhume Waukesha's Little Lord Fauntleroy for DNA testing

In 1921 in Waukesha, WI the unidentified boy of a young boy was found floating in a quarry pond. He was dressed in fancy, expensive clothes and was found to have been killed by blunt force trauma, however that was the extent of the information regarding this child.
Despite a massive campaign to discover his identity, no one ever came forward to claim this child and he ended up being buried in a nearby cemetery with no name on the headstone. One potential name, Homer Lemay, has been associated with this case however there was never any proof that the child found in the water was Homer.
To this day this case is unsolved. We would like to see if modern DNA testing would be possible to determine if Little Lord Fauntleroy is in fact Homer Lemay, or if there can be other DNA relatives found. Ultimately we would like to have this child buried his name and put this 100 year old mystery to rest. If this is possible with what we know today, we would like the city of Waukesha to reopen this case and to exhume the body for any possible forensic links to the identity of the body.
Please sign this petition and help us to give this child his identity and to be laid to rest under his name.